Karl Hague Is Innocent
If you have any information in relation to Karl Hague- Feel free to email us

About Ricky Balcombe
Ricky didn't have a great childhood, his mother Christine Loader couldn't provide for her children in 1995 and that's when Ricky was living in Newcomb with his grandmother.
Ricky was also staying at his various fellow gang members place in 1995.
Ricky would frequent the mall (Market Square) with his fellow red bandanna gang members and would frequent the Golden Cue pool parlour which was the hotspot for heroin trafficking in May 1995.
Ricky went to jail at a young age with his fellow gang members.
The red bandanna crew used to hang around Asian Johnny and his friends.
According to Ricky's aunty, she admitted at Karl Hagues trial Ricky stayed with her for sometime in Melbourne and he was quite scared, also Ricky was carrying a weapon in his bag. Ricky's friend who is of an Asian appearance came to Ricky and convinced him to come back to Geelong, not long after Elizabeth Todorovska now Timanowicz witnessed Ricky's stabbing and identified the killer is Asian appearance. We now know his Phong Huynh currently in QLD.
Christine Loader the mother of Ricky Balcombe said she dropped her son at 2pm on the day of the murder, however Ricky's friends said Ricky was in town at 12pm:
So, who is lying, The mother of Ricky or Ricky's friends?

All information is true and correct and we have evidence to prove it.